5 Myths of a Quality Management System

The implementation of a Quality Management System almost always comes from the need to obtain a certification in the ISO 9001 Standard and at the time of raising this project in a company many questions and fears arise that generate resistance in people.

It is thought that everyone’s way of working will change and that things will never be the same again, and that is true, but in a positive way, in this article I am going to expose 5 myths that people commonly think about an ISO 9001 certification and that you can easily turn into profits and ensure the success of your project.

1- I will work more if a Quality Management System is implemented.

This is one of the most deeply rooted beliefs from my point of view, people consider that the fact of filling out records, requesting authorizations, preparing key performance indicators, etc. is doing extra work when the reality is that all this is part of their job, the fact that at this time it is not done does not mean that it is not their responsibility.

In addition to this, when records are filled, for example of the inspection of each incoming product in the warehouse, what is being done is to leave evidence that this activity was carried out and the result of it, thus having the possibility of demonstrating that the product arrived safely in case of any complaint.

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2- They are going to put corrective actions on me.

This concept of “Corrective Actions” in general is very poorly understood in Quality Management Systems, people believe that if staff make a mistake, stop performing a certain activity or do not arrive at their goals they will receive a correction or a scolding.

It must be remembered that what is sought in Quality Management Systems based on ISO 9001 is to maintain efficiency and improve all processes, and if something does not turn out as expected, corrective actions should be taken towards the process, not towards the personnel. .

It is common that when an activity has been performed incorrectly or has not been performed, the root cause is inadequate training or a lack of it, which is not the fault of the staff, but opportunities for process improvement.

💡 You may be interested in: Adequately Manage Corrective Actions

3- It will be easier for the company to do without me

Many people feel that they are fundamental pieces and that the company could not operate without them, only they know how to configure a machine or deal with a certain client, and at the time of documenting all the process and their knowledge in a work procedure can lead to thinking that they are revealing all their secrets and it will be much easier for someone else to do their work with the same result.

The reality is that, as the phrase says, we are all necessary but no one is indispensable, any element of the organization can leave and sooner or later someone else will arrive to carry out the activities in the same or better way, so no fear should be felt about.

Now, looking on the positive side, when the activities are documented step by step in a Quality Management System, the staff will have more freedom, for example, to take vacations or even to be placed in another area or position, if desired, since another element can easily carry out the same task with the same results.

4- There is a lot of bureaucracy in a Quality Management System

Well this is relative, if there will be more bureaucracy and in general you could get the idea that the processes are a little slower, but this is for good reason, ” Control”.

When companies work without defined processes as required by ISO 9001, they have many freedoms and this gives the perception that it is something positive because it makes the work very flexible and dynamic, but seen from a more analytical point of view, this is very harmful. since if there is no documented procedure, people tend to improvise when doing the activities, the first activity is carried out, then the file is entered, they forgot that they need a signature and they return to request it, etc.

This situation, far from making processes more dynamic generates a lot of rework and loss of time, with the creation of a Quality Management System there will be defined processes in which activities cannot be skipped, apart remember that if the process is not efficient can always be improved.

5- Some one will control me and tell me how I should work 

The staff must remember that the experts in carrying out the activities are they, the person who implements Management Systems as in the ISO 9001 Standard is an expert in precisely that and not in the activities of the company in which the implementation is carried out.

Of course, there will be changes in the processes but they will be focused on better control of activities, compliance with quality objectives and must always be endorsed by leaders. This will increase the efficiency of all processes and will have substantial improvements throughout the company.

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You must offer all the necessary tools to make all staff adopt the Quality Management System in the best way and the adoption of software that controls all the aspects required by the ISO 9001 Standard can be very helpful.

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