Notice of Privacy
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, we inform you that your personal data collected through the website:, as well as the brand QUALITYWEB 360, that may appear on the website, its printed contents, its electronic applications or any other content, through its legitimate owners and recognized licensees GS Soluciones en Sistemas de Gestión, SC (hereinafter QUALITYWEB 360), in addition to the requests, statements, notices, and / or other statements made by you, through electronic or printed means, will be used and protected only by QUALITYWEB 360 in a database under the strictest confidentiality, in accordance with the policies and procedures of security that for this purpose implemented QUALITYWEB 360, in the offices located at the following address: Calle Efraín González Luna number 2496, Colonia Arcos, in the municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, C.P. 44130, with Federal Taxpayers Registry GSS140522FC1.
Any user is informed that by accessing this website: or any of its applications or accessory systems, you can obtain, transfer, store and make use of the personal data that you enter on the website itself. web, its applications or accessory systems to it, which may be used exclusively to access these systems, as well as the products and services provided on the platform, and in other activities whose access to your information requires the user to be registered or that it is part of the information that the user has previously provided, both its own, and that of public, private, business or negotiation institutions, among others, with which it has entered into any contract for the provision of services with QUALITYWEB 360 and with those in your opportunity has individually provided your respective Privacy Notice.
The information provided will serve solely and exclusively to maintain a channel of communication with the user, which may contain statistical data, indicators, notices and notices that reflect the control of the versions and changes of all the documentation, both of its own, and of the institutions public, private, companies or negotiations among others, that have entered into any contract to provide services with QUALITYWEB 360 and thereby ensure their consultation, automating operations between the people who access the website, its application or accessory systems and these with the users, as well as to register and respond to their requests, queries and suggestions, informing them of any information deemed relevant for public or private institutions, companies or negotiations, among others, that have a contract for the provision of services. services with QUALITYWEB 360, to operate on the site www.quality, your application or accessory systems.
It is reported that it is possible, by attending or sharing all types of files, whether statistics, instructions, formats, minutes, evaluations on the website:, its applications or accessory systems, these in turn they can be shared in the media in particular by public or private institutions, companies or negotiations, among others, with which any contract or agreement has been concluded and which in turn have contracted the services of QUALITYWEB 360.
In the case of sending advertising, your data will only be used to manage the delivery through traditional and electronic means. In this sense, we inform users that we can send advertising of their own, as well as public, private, business or negotiation institutions, among others, who have entered into any contract or agreement and who have hired the services of QUALITYWEB 360, with those who previously maintain a relationship or have entered into any contract or agreement, relating to the products and services they have used or for which they require reports through the website, their applications or accessory systems.
The website:, its applications or accessory systems, as well as the brand QUALITYWEB 360 through its rightful owners and licensees, are responsible for the personal data that could be collected and therefore perform the processing of personal data in accordance with the principles of lawfulness, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, in terms of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations However, if such information is provided by a third party, whether public or private institutions, companies or negotiations, among others, who have entered into any contract or agreement and who in turn have contracted the services of QUALITYWEB 360, only the latter and its authorized users will be responsible for the information that may have been generated between them.
This privacy statement applies to all websites, domains, services, applications, projects and activities belonging to QUALITYWEB 360 and its wholly owned subsidiaries (“QUALITYWEB 360 sites or services”), except that a policy or statement of specific privacy for an activity or service of QUALITYWEB 360 in particular, may invalidate or supplement this privacy statement, which shall be communicated in the particular, as applicable.
The responsibility for the veracity of the data entered is exclusive to the user and the public, private, business or negotiation institutions, among others, that provide it, so that in case of having provided any false information, the site, its applications or accessory systems, as well as the brand QUALITYWEB 360, through its rightful owners and licensees, reserve the right to deny access to the user to this website, its applications or accessory systems.
In order to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure, maintain the accuracy of the data and ensure the correct use of information, all kinds of technological, administrative and legal procedures are used to protect the information, being the personal information that reaches us to provide, stored in controlled databases and with limited access to personnel duly authorized by the site, its applications or accessory systems, by the brand QUALITYWEB 360, as well as through public institutions, private, companies or negotiations, among others, that accredit having a right over it.
The automated processing to which all personal data, collected as a result of requests, use, contracting of any product or service or any transaction or operation made through this website, its applications or accessory systems, will be subject to. main purpose the maintenance of the contractual relationship established with the owner of this web page, according to the terms and conditions displayed in the same way on this site.
In certain cases, it can be proposed both by the users themselves and by public, private, business or negotiation institutions, among others, that hold the ownership of the information, transfer the personal data to third parties. When appropriate, this circumstance will be duly warned the user in the forms in which personal data are collected, along with the identification of the company that gives it and the third party involved, the type of activities to which it is dedicated and the purpose to which the assignment responds. The user may object at any time to any or all of the aforementioned assignments, previously taking into account the contract or conditions for the processing of personal data that may have been entered into in his or her time with public or private institutions, companies or negotiations, among others, that hold their information and that in turn they have entered into a contract for the provision of services with QUALITYWEB 360.
The delivery of personal data, through any means established on the web, its applications or accessory systems, implies the express authorization of the user to perform the treatment indicated in the preceding paragraphs. However, if you do not want your personal data provided be treated for communication purposes between the user and public, private institutions, companies or negotiations, among others, with those who have previously entered into any contract or agreement, as well as to send your own or third party advertising, you may object in writing to it.
The website, its applications or accessory systems, guarantee the confidentiality of personal data. Nevertheless, it will disclose to the competent public authorities the personal data and any other information that is in its power or accessible through its systems and that is required in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to the case.
We inform you that the site:, its applications or accessory systems, as well as the brand QUALITYWEB 360, through its rightful owners and licensees, will refrain from selling, leasing or transferring personal data. . It will only share personal information with the companies with which a corporate relationship is held, have a contract signed to provide services and have previously established that they have a contract and agreement with the user of whom they previously hold information.
In virtue of the foregoing, the persons to whom the transfer of personal data is made, may not use the information provided by the site:, its applications or accessory systems, as well as the brand QUALITYWEB 360, in a manner different from that established in this notice. These data transfers, where appropriate, will be carried out with all appropriate security measures, in accordance with the principles contained in the Federal Legislation for the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, and in force.
If there is a breach of security at any stage of the processing of the personal and / or patrimonial data provided, the interested parties will be informed, so that they can take the necessary necessary measures to defend their rights. In case of not having an email, the notification will be published on the website:, its applications or accessory systems.
- PURPOSE OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED. QUALITYWEB 360 collects and uses personal information to provide you with a better service and personalize your experience and interaction with QUALITYWEB 360. Said compilation is made with your consent and in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties and its regulations in force within the Mexican Republic.The personal data that we collect personally or directly, are among others, which are described below in an enunciative manner, but not limited to: Identification: name, address, telephone, email, signature, federal registry of originators (RFC) , unique population code (CURP), date of birth, age, nationality, marital status, demographic or profile data, etc; Labor: position, address, email, telephone, etc; Patrimonial: fiscal information, credit history, bank accounts, income and expenses, etc; Academics: educational trajectory, title, ID number, etc; Playful: Preferences, interests and personal tastes, etc.The information that QUALITYWEB 360 obtains from your public or commercial sources may be used in conjunction with the information that QUALITYWEB 360 collects when you visit the QUALITYWEB 360 websites; For example, QUALITYWEB 360 can compare the geographic information acquired from its third party sources, with the IP address collected by the automatic data collection tools to conclude what is its general geographical area.The personal data provided directly or indirectly by any individual, when entering this website or due to its link of commercial, labor, or any other kind of collaboration with this company, will have the use that is enunciated but not limited to then:To identify you, locate you, communicate you, contact you, send you information and / or follow up on collaborative, labor relations and / or as a participant in a related activity that motivates the transmission of the personal data. The use of personal data will be related to the type of interaction you have with QUALITYWEB 360, always of a legal nature, either through the prior subscription of verbal or written contracts.The temporality of the handling of personal data will be indefinite from the date on which you provided them to the Responsible.QUALITYWEB 360 can collect personal information to track various activities related to your business and services, for example:• Information requests for services and / or activities.• Creation of profiles and user verification.• Follow-up subscriptions or newsletter regarding our services and / or activities.• Requests of any nature related to the activities or services provided by QUALITYWEB 360.Additionally, QUALITYWEB 360 may use your information to:• Help you establish contact with the management or operating personnel of our company;• Avoid and detect security threats, fraudulent behavior or other malicious activities;• Communicate with you about projects, activities and services;
• Offer and improve services and technical assistance;
• Provide you with updated information about new services and / or activities.
• Select the content that will be communicated to you;
• Customize some QUALITYWEB 360 websites;
• Allow him to participate in contests and surveys; Y
• Get in touch with you in relation to the activities, projects or services of QUALITYWEB 360.
• The types of personal data (In no case we will request data referred to as “sensitive” by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations) that you provide, may be:
– Contact information, such as your name, gender, address, telephone number and email address.
– Financial information, such as credit / debit card number or other billing information.
– Other exclusive information, such as user ID and passwords, educational and employment background, and labor interests data.
– Information related to the business line and activities and / or services to which your business is dedicated, if applicable.
– Your work and / or commercial activities related to the corporate purpose of QUALITYWEB 360.
If you post, comment, indicate interest, complain or share personal information, including photographs, in any public forum of a site, social network profile, blog or other forum of this type of QUALITYWEB 360, you must take into account that any information You can read, see, collect or use other users of these forums, and it could be used to contact you, send you unsolicited messages or for purposes that neither you nor QUALITYWEB 360 can control. QUALITYWEB 360 is not responsible for the personal information you choose to provide in these forums.
In addition to the information you provide, QUALITYWEB 360 may also collect information during your visit to a website through its automated data collection tools, including web beacons, cookies, web beacons and integrated web links. These tools collect certain traffic information that your browser sends to a website, such as the type and language of the browser, the hours of access and the address of the website from which it comes. They can also gather information about your Internet Protocol (IP) address, your unique device identifier, where you click (that is, the web pages you visit, the links you click on, and other actions that lead to You can also use some of these automatic data collection tools in connection with certain emails and communications sent from QUALITYWEB 360 and, in connection with QUALITYWEB 360 websites or managed by QUALITYWEB 360. therefore, you can collect information through these tools when you open the email or when you click on a link that appears in the email The personal data we obtain from these tracking technologies are: browsing time, browsing time our website, sections consulted, files and information downloaded and internet pages accessed gone before ours.
With this information we create statistics on how many users visited our websites and to which pages they accessed. By collecting this information, we learn to adapt this web page in the best way in relation to the corporate purpose of QUALITYWEB 360.
The data obtained through the registration files described above can not be transferred to any person other than this company or its work or management personnel; for such case, the latter must adjust in the handling of their information, to the treatment established in this privacy notice.
QUALITYWEB 360 does not collect any type of sensitive personal data, considered as such, those that may reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference, etc.
You can decide whether or not to accept cookies. One way to do this is through the configuration of your internet browser. Most Internet browsers allow some control of most cookies by means of browser settings (note that if you use your browser settings to block all cookies, you may not be able to access parts of your browser). our website.) The following websites provide information on how to adjust cookie settings in some popular browsers:
Apple Safari
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Adobe Flash Player is a software to watch multimedia on a computer. Websites that use Adobe Flash can store flash cookies on user devices to remember parameters, preferences and uses similar to those of other types of cookies. QUALITYWEB 360 can use Flash to offer special content such as video clips or animations.
You can access Flash administration tools directly from the Adobe website.
To reject Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics analytics cookies on Intel websites, visit:
Google Analytics:
Adobe Analytics:
For more information about cookies in general, including what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit
The security and confidentiality of the data provided to us when using our online services, will be protected by a secure server under the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, so that the data sent will be transmitted encrypted to ensure its safekeeping.
To verify that you are in a protected environment, we recommend that you make sure that an S appears in the navigation bar, (httpS: //)
Notwithstanding the above, the protection of data sent over the Internet can not be guaranteed 100%, so once received, QUALITYWEB 360 will do everything possible to safeguard your information.
Likewise, you will find within this site, pages, microsites, surveys, sponsors, advertisers, contractors and / or partners and commercial services, in conjunction with other shared services, own or with third parties (“Co-branded Sites”) that will may request information, which this site may reveal information provided by you.
The Information that is provided in these Co-branded Sites is subject to the privacy policies or information responsibility legends that are displayed in said Sites and will not be subject to this privacy policy. Therefore, we strongly recommend users to review in detail the privacy policies that are deployed in the Co-branded Sites.
Advertising privacy policy provided on this Site:
We study the preferences of our users, their demographic characteristics, their traffic patterns, and other information together to better understand who our audience is and what it is that you need. The tracking of the preferences of our users also helps us to serve you the most relevant advertisements.
Privacy Policy of Tracking Sources Used On This Site:
All persons are holders of their ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of personal data) and for that sole fact, can demand and request that they be informed about the use and conditions of them.
You have the right to know what personal data we have about you, what we use them for and the conditions of use we give them (Access). Also, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we remove it from our records or databases when it considers that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations set forth in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition).
You can revoke the consent that, in your case, you have granted us for the treatment of your personal data. However, it is important that you keep in mind that in all cases we can not meet your request or conclude the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we need to continue treating your personal data. Also, you must consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we can not continue to provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with us.
In case you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO) with respect to any data or personal information that you have provided, these may be exercised at any time by directing your request to any of the following addresses or means of contact:
- To the email:
- By mail to the following address: Calle Efraín González Luna number 2496, Colonia Arcos, C.P. 44130, in the municipality of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
For the above, you must make us know irrefutably the personal data that you wish to be rectified, canceled or revised, as well as the purpose for which you contributed them and in your case the name of the Responsible to whom you gave them and in general, meet the requirements mentioned in article 29 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.
To exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO), you must integrate your request with the following requirements:
1.- Full name, address and email, in a signed request in your own handwriting, clear and concise about the data you wish to modify, either in its printed version or in your digitized case.
2.- Copy of the official identification of the holder of the rights, or the document that proves the personality of the legal representative of the owner, in printed or digitized version.
3.- The clear and precise specification of the personal data to which you want to have access and the ARCO right (Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition) that I wished to exercise.
4.- Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data.
5.- In the case of the Rectification of personal data, you must also specify the data that you wish to be rectified, as well as any document that justifies the rectification.
6.- In the case of Opposition to the processing of personal data, you must also specify the reasons why you object to the treatment.
Any situation, clarification or doubt about the interpretation or fulfillment of this privacy notice, likewise any situation related to the exercise of your rights can let us know through the means that have been previously indicated.
We inform you that QUALITYWEB 360 does not ordinarily transfer data with any third party except for cases in which it is strictly necessary either due to the legal nature of the relationship sustained by you or due to an irrevocable judicial mandate.
Once your application is submitted, QUALITYWEB 360 will respond to it, within a maximum period of 20 working days. And, if your request is valid, QUALITYWEB 360 will make your exercised right (s) effective within a period of 15 working days after the 20 days indicated above.
Likewise, we inform you that the terms of conservation of your personal data in our database will be:
- If you are a provider, employee or service provider of QUALITYWEB 360, the personal data will be kept for a minimum period of 10 years, unless the contractual relationship exceeds that period.
- In case of being a supplier, employee or service provider of QUALITYWEB 360, the personal data will be stored for a maximum period of 1 year.
Once these deadlines have elapsed, and if the purpose of the processing of personal data has been fulfilled, the same will be canceled, for the subsequent deletion of the database.
In order for you to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information, we offer you the following means:
Registration in the Public Registry of Consumers and / or in the Public Registry of Users to avoid publicity, which are in charge of the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (“PROFECO”) and the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (“CONDUSEF”) respectively. For more information about this registration, you can consult the Internet portals of PROFECO and CONDUSEF, or contact them directly.
Once placed at your disposal, and if you do not express your opposition to it, it will be understood that you tacitly consent to the processing of your data.
If you believe that your right to the protection of your personal data has been damaged by any conduct or omission of the site:, its applications or accessory systems, as well as by the brand QUALITYWEB 360, or presumes any violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, its Regulations and other applicable ordinances, may be filed non-compliance or complaint with the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (“IFAI” ).
QUALITYWEB 360 reserves the right to modify this privacy notice at any time, and will always keep it available through this channel for consultation, so that significant changes in the processing of personal information will be made by updating our website:, its applications or accessory systems. The continued use of the site and the services available through this portal, after such modifications, will constitute your: (a) recognition of the modified policy; and (b) the agreement to abide by and be bound by that policy.